A revival musician with an unusual understanding of traditional music. John Wright is a fine singer and a performer on the fiddle and mouth-organ, an unquestionably one of the finest exponents of jew’s-harp playing.
1 Awake, Awake, You Drowsy Sleeper
2 Four-Hand Reel (mouth-organ)
3 Murphy’s Hornpipe (jew’s harp)
4 Gypsy Hornpipe (fiddle)
5 Henry Martin
6 Bridget Cruise Nos 2 & 3 (jew’s harp)
7 Tailor By My Trade
8 Dornoch Links / The Shepherd’s Crook / Lochiel’s Awa’ to France Scottish Pipe Tunes (jew’s harp)
9 Young Charlotte
10 The Varsoviana – Eng|and (mouth-organ)
11 La Valse Vienne – France (fiddle)
12 La Scottisch Anglaise – France (fiddle)
13 L’Angoise – France (fiddle)
14 Our Captain Cried All Hands / Country Dances (fiddle):
15 Ninepins
16 Saturday Night and Sunday Morning
17 The Punk’s Delight
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Spotify, Apple Music / iTunes, Amazon