Steve Ashley

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Steve Ashley has been on the scene since the early 1970s. One of the original members of the first Albion Country Band, Steve went solo soon after and his albums have grown in stature over the years. Mojo recently featured his first album, “Stroll On”, calling it ‘a masterpiece…’.

Steve Ashley – Everyday Lives


With Everyday Lives Steve Ashley created an extraordinary album of contemporary songs. Songs which are informed, but never overwhelmed, by the folk tradition. As the title suggests, they focus on aspects of everyday lives and loves, but that shouldn't mislead the reader [...]

Steve Ashley – Everyday Lives2019-11-01T17:13:58+00:00

Steve Ashley – Time And Tide


Steve Ashley's second release for Topic is a landmark in British folk song writing. On strong winds and rising tides, he takes us on a remarkable journey - over the cliffs and into the heart of the woods and towns of England. [...]

Steve Ashley – Time And Tide2019-11-07T16:20:38+00:00
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