Since 1939, Topic Records has been a fervent and consistent champion of “the people’s music.” During that time, it has withstood wars, shortages, austerity, economic disaster, the vagaries of fashion, corporate onslaught and various cataclysmic shifts in the fortunes of the recording industry, to retain its proud and distinctively individual role as a beacon of integrity and true values. This fortitude has resulted in its unquestionable claim to being the oldest, surviving truly independent record label in the world.

Celebrating its 85th anniversary this year, Topic Records has established itself as not only the pre-eminent British folk music label, but one widely respected throughout the world. Topic has undoubtedly released some of the most influential folk recordings of modern times, by a host of revered artists, from Anne Briggs to Martin Simpson to June Tabor to Angeline Morrison to Nic Jones to Shirley Collins and many, many more.

The full length biography from 2019 can be found here.