An anthology from Gypsy singers recorded in Southern England by Mike Yates. Music of English travellers, ranging from broadside ballads to mouth-organ tunes, and including examples of the gypsy mouth-music called ‘tuning’ – all performed by members of the great Smith clan, from Surrey, Kent and Suffolk.
1 The Small Birds Whistle Jasper Smith
2 The Sheepfold Phoebe Smith
3 One Penny Levy Smith
4 The Basket of Eggs Minty Smith
5 The Pony March / Whistling Rufus / Tuning Jasper
6 Green Bushe Phoebe
7 Raking the Hay Phoebe
8 The Moon Shines Bright Jasper
9 Father Had a Knife Jasper
10 The Jew’s Garden Minty
11 Step Dance Tunes Jasper Tuning Minty
12 Sweet William Phoebe
13 Johnny Abourne Phoebe
14 Died for Love Jasper
15 The Irish Girl Levy
16 Captain Thunderbold Phoebe
17 Jigs & Polkas including: Cock of the North / Flowers of Edinburgh / The Girl l left Behind Me / TuningListen / buy on:
Spotify, Apple Music / iTunes, Amazon